selBoundary fails after using circle to split line when line is horizontal or vertical

I’ve drawn 2 lines from the center of a circle beyond the circle- one horizontal the other on an angle then used the circle to split the lines. The split works fine but when using selBoundary with the circle it won’t select the horizontal line segment inside the circle only the angled segment. I’ve tried this vertical as well and the same thing. I’m guessing it has something to do with the quad points on the circle but I can’t figure it out. Can anyone help?


Hello - what happens if you rotate the circle slightly?

(testing it)
Hm - so far both are selected here - can you post your example? Also did you set Precise=Yes?


Hi Pascal -
I did have it set to Precise =Yes so I tried Precise=No and that seems to fix it. Is that expected behavior or should I still post the file?

Please post your example - thanks.


Please post your example - thanks.


Here it is and I did reproduce the same behavior in this file (Precise=Yes only selects angled line, Precise=No selects both lines) before sending it.

selBoundaryExample.3dm (91.6 KB)

Thanks - it seems like size matters - try with a circle at radius 10 - does that work?


It does work with a radius of 10 and Precise=Yes BUT even more interesting is it also worked with a much smaller circle .25" radius. I’ve attached the file with the original and the additional 2 examples.

selBoundaryExample.3dm (94.9 KB)

My wild guess of the moment is that there is some curve tessellation going on that makes size matter- I’ll check with the developer - thanks for the examples.


Thanks Pascal