Section Tool: Section generates 2d drawing with offset

I have got a few problems with section tool:

  • If i generate a 2d drawing - where section tool generates the layers: DrawingCurve & DrawingHatch / DrawingHidden & DrawingVisible - it results in a drawing where the two couples of layers have an offset to each other…

-My second problem is:
If I export sections to DWG -Files - the file contains all the layerstructure of the 3d drawing with all empty layers. If I export the sections to a Rhino File - only the necessary layers (DrawingCurve & DrawingHatch / DrawingHidden & DrawingVisible) are in the file. Would be great if this could also work for the dwg file.

-Why does section tool create circles in unpredictable places? Is this a problem of polysurfaces?

I am working on Rhino 8 SR 1
Is there a newer service release ?
Thanks for help

Hi Michael -

Can you post a 3dm file that behaves like this?

I see that this is not limited to geometry that is created by the section tools. I’ll get this on the list.
RH-78977 File IO: Export to DWG exports all layers

We’ll need a file that demonstrates this as well.

If all goes well, SR2 will go out tomorrow.
As always, there’s a weekly service release candidate that can be tried.

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Hello wim,
thanks for the quick answer.
How can I try the service candidate - because I can’t change the options in this window… its like frozen…

Enclosed a part of the file with the errors:
Test_Section_01.3dm (17.6 MB)


Hi Michael -

You’ll need to tick the checkbox first:

Thanks for that file! I’m not able to reproduce the issue in the version that I’m currently running, but it also looks like there might be more geometry in the picture that you showed.

Could you update to the current service release candidate and try this on the file that you uploaded here?

Hello wim,
thanks for the answer.
The file I enclosed was just a part of the whole model - because the complete file is very big.
I will try the service release - but the problem is that the whole window :

…is like frozen.
I can’t tick the checkbox…
Is there another checkbox i have to tick / change before?

Hi Michael -

That’s not a known issue. Could you manually download and install last week’s SR2 release candidate to see if that fixes that issue. If not, I’d try a Repair on the Rhino installation from the Windows Control Panel.