Seam line Adjustment of Lofted Surface

How would one adjust the position of the seam line of a cylindrical lofted surface?

Loft follows the curves. Adjust the curve seams.

If it’s a cylinder, I’d rotate it. If it’s a loft, I’d adjust the seams of the input curves. I do not know if there’s anything in RhinoCommon for adjusting the seams on surfaces. Can’t find anything searching for it.

Thanks. It’s a loft and I’m working in grasshopper solely.

the real problem I have relates to the “To Polar” Component.

By default the Phi output is_“Planar angle in radians counter-clockwise starting at the plane X-axis”_

Can I adjust this start position?

At present, I have to adjust the input curves inputted to this component and then readjust to get them back to their original position.

Thanks. It’s a loft and I’m working in grasshopper solely.

You are getting scripting answers because you tagged this as grasshopper developer. Tag should be Grasshopper.

Can I adjust this start position?

No one knows until you post some files for us to see the situation.

Good call, I changed the category.