SDK - debug libraries, executable?

I just downloaded the SDK that accompanies the latest BETA release. I’m surprised to see no debug executable, nor any debug libraries. Will these be re-instated in at some point? One of the things I really liked was that the debug libraries could load symbols from your symbol server, greatly facilitating the squashing of obscure bugs (in my code).

See also [C++ SDK] PDB files of debug DLLs

Hi Menno,

Initially there will not be a debug version of Rhino included with the C++ SDK.

Perhaps, we just need to see how painful we’ve made it for developers.

– Dale

We should still be able to support symbol loading without releasing debug executables.

Perhaps, we just need to see how painful we’ve made it for developers.

I for one would find it a painful development if my debugging options are reduced to RhinoApp().Print(...) statements. I respectfully ask you to reconsider.

We should still be able to support symbol loading without releasing debug executables.

I don’t see how this would work; in release mode I am unable to set breakpoints reliably.

Did you use the plugin wizard to set up you V6 plugin? There should be two build flavors for your plugin project (debug/release). The debug build is not optimized and you can set break points to walk through your code.

No I did not use the plug-in wizard; I migrated an old project. Good to know that the debug build runs in the release version of Rhino and supports break points. That’s all I need; there should be no need to get the debug executable. Thanks for clearing that up!