Hello. I’ve been working on a script that takes a shell geometry as an input, and extrudes the edges tangent or normal to the surface.
I have found this documentation link: that displays a function available within Rhino known as _Fin; but it doesn’t seem to exist within Python.
Is there a workaround to achieve such a functionality in a script without calling “_Fin” as a command, or are there plans to implement this in the Python libraries?
Thank you very much for the script @dale . If I’m understanding it correctly; I’d give it a surface (In my case part of a BREP), then a close point to it (since I have the edges mapped, the point at half of the domain of the edge curve would be ideal), and then it would cast an offset curve tangent or normal to the surface with a given length, that I’d close with a Ruled Surface. Correct?
I have a few questions about implementing this:
How could I make the script choose between the tangent direction to the surface and the normal?
Is it possible to decide programmatically which side of the edge it will choose to extrude towards, to ensure that it’s always extending outwards from a brep?
For context; what I am trying to do is taking a complex shell geometry as an open brep with a large number of naked edges, inner and outer, that I need to extrude (or extend) tangent to the surface without necessarily maintaining the original curvature, to create a small flange (less than 20mm). This flange is the baseline for further processing. It’s conceptually similar to the Ribbon function, but in three dimensions and a higher complexity. The reason behind wanting to automate this, is that manually NormalExtruding thousands of edges is severily time consuming.