When I script the Array command (Rhino.Command “-Array”) it defaults to EnableRedraw=True - is there a way to keep EnableRedraw=False ?
When I script the Array command (Rhino.Command “-Array”) it defaults to EnableRedraw=True - is there a way to keep EnableRedraw=False ?
Looks like that may be some sort of bug… In any case I usually avoid scripting an array of objects using “Array” and use a double (2D) or triple (3D) For loop and copy the objects…
Thanks Mitch, can you demo the double(2d) - I am a bit lost there.
@dale can you add this to myjetbrains - thanks,
Something like:
Option Explicit
Call TwoDArrayExample()
Sub TwoDArrayExample()
Dim arrObjs,intXNum,intYNum,dblXDist,dblYDist
arrObjs = Rhino.GetObjects("Select objects to array",,, True)
If Not IsArray(arrObjs) Then Exit Sub
intXNum = Rhino.GetInteger("Number of objects in X?",, 2)
If Not IsNumeric(intXNum) Then Exit Sub
intYNum = Rhino.GetInteger("Number of objects in Y?",, 2)
If Not IsNumeric(intYNum) Then Exit Sub
dblXDist = Rhino.GetReal("X spacing?",, 0)
If Not IsNumeric(dblXDist) Then Exit Sub
dblYDist = Rhino.GetReal("Y spacing?",, 0)
If Not IsNumeric(dblYDist) Then Exit Sub
Dim i,j
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
For j=0 To intYNum - 1
For i=0 To intXNum - 1
'don't copy the original object
If Not (i = 0 And j = 0) Then
Call Rhino.CopyObjects(arrObjs, Array(0, 0, 0), Array(i * dblXDist, j * dblYDist, 0))
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Thanks Mitch, lots there for me to learn from.
This should be fixed in the next Rhino WIP release.