ScriptEditor needs extra click when out of focus

great thanks @brian for the fix.

but there are still some inconsistencies with focus for example with scriptEditor:

Script Editor is showing Mouse-Over but does not react on mousedown:

how to repeat on a mac:

  • open scripteditor, open a simple hello-World Script will do it
// #! csharp
using System;
Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("hello world");
  • set the scripteditor window to overlap some viewports of rhinos main window (one Monitor-only setting)
  • click in the main rhino viewport, now main rhino has focus, the scripteditor title-bar is greyed out. - but the scripteditor is still frontmost window
  • hover over the Play/Execute Button of the Scripteditor, you will get a mouse over effect (drak grey background in lightmode), click - nothing happens (scripteditor get s focus), a second click is needed to execute the script.
  • now click on one of the toobar icons (for example _box) even if focus was on scripteditor, one click will execute the _box command.

hope above workflow is clear and repeatable.

thanks for having a look - and if the the issues are not related - feel free to split the topic.

kind regards - tom