Scriptable Options? Mouse Pick radius, example

So, I’ve noticed some hidden abilities keep coming up here in this super advanced dialogue.

Is there a way to filter all of the non-exposed ones so I can see a list of all the secret hidden stuff?

Guess I could just memorize the whole list…

It’s weird that this is the workflow without using the “advanced” part:

I was almost thinking it made sense to put everything there so the user can access it there, but seems like that dialogue can be bypassed…

I’m currently dealing with a colleague having trouble with selections failing.

They claim the gui provides no response.

I’m wondering if the camera frustum is out of range or the pick radius is too small…

I’ll probably have to create a diff thread.

for such a list to exist, it would have to exist literally, as in: whenever a programmer adds any checkbox to the gui, they update the list

so, not likely

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