Is there any way to scale a particular curve and have it snap when it intersects with a guide line?
I’ve attached to shots of what this operation would look like.
Is there any way to scale a particular curve and have it snap when it intersects with a guide line?
I’ve attached to shots of what this operation would look like.
Hi Ramon,
You can use ScaleByPlane with a Quad (or any other appropriate) Osnap if the scale is non uniform but I believe you want the curve to maintain it’s aspect ratio. In that case, you can do this by relocating the Gumball with the following steps:
Scale can do that if combined with snaps and tab direction lock-
When you see that direction lock kick in I’ve used Ortho to force the direction vertical and then hit Tab to lock that direction.
Hi BrianJ,
Great. Thanks. I’ll give it a go soon.
Hi Pascal.
I’ll also try this method.
hey pascal,
does the quad snap give you the uppermost (outermost? i don’t know what word to use here ) point of the curve?
i’ve done something like your method a few times in the past but i ran the BoundingBox command first then used it for my scale points… i’m thinking that was a wasted step now if quad is doing what i think it’s doing?
[edit] well, yes, that’s what the quad snap is doing… all this time i thought it was doing something else (something less valuable)
Yep- Quad looks for the local point on the curve where the curve changes direction relative to the CPlane axes, I guess you could say, so a wiggly curve might have multiple Quad points you could hit.
Hi all,
Thanks to all, I was able to achieve the desired outcome with both of those techniques only to be caught out by the next phase.
In this particular case I’m trying to scale the curved line to intersect with the uppermost end of the vertical line on the right. I would like the scaling function to “pick” the relevant point of intersection for me. Typically, I do this by eye / trial and error to achieve a result that is within my given tolerances, but would really like to know how be more precise.
Again, I’ve attached a couple of screen shots.
That’s great thanks.