Scaling relative to the centroid of the target plane

Hi everybody! :wave:
I created solids, but I think it’s difficult way to find plane with middle point of curves on the target surface
Can you suggest an easier way for scaling?
I tried to search for something on but unsuccessfully.
I will be glad of any help. (26.1 KB)

I think I’m missing something :slight_smile:
do you want the green solid to be scaled down in such a way its bounding box is as small as the red solid?

could you please illustrate with a simple sketch what you are trying to achieve?

I want to scale each solid.

something like this? (22.7 KB)

My goal is to obtain elongated solids relative to the centers of the rightmost surfaces

ok, now I understand :slight_smile:

I think your way of doing it is ok-ish, as much as ok-ish might be doing it from bounding boxes like this:

the main issue is, let’s say the breps were created in a different way, then it might happen that they will be scaled along the wrong axis, and that will happen in both cases -which is not that much of a reliable method then…-

may I ask if those initial breps are referenced from Rhino, or obtained in GH as extrusions, loft or sweeps?
because if you are also building them in GH, then I believe we can find much more reliable ways to extend them

in simple words, if they are not referenced directly from Rhino, what happens before those:

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