I just started using R8, and set the 3 embedfile settings as mentioned above to never save textures and hide that checkbox.
That works great for “Ctrl s” and “file save as”.
My main use is Rhino for modelling & Vray for rendering.
I send my clients a final rendering, so I don’t need to save textures.
Will setting those 3 variables cause any issues going forward with service releases?
Will I need to set them back to original states for the fix McNeel is working on for 8.8?
Rhino 8 SR7 2024-5-17 (Rhino 8, 8.7.24138.15431,
License type: Commercial, build 2024-05-17
License details: Cloud Zoo
Hi Glenn -
I wouldn’t think so, but it’s easy to just go check those settings after installing 8.8. (Note, the first 8.8 candidate has been available for some days now).
Just for your interest, in version 8 SR8 (8.8.24170.13001, 2024-06-18) it still happens.
Would be really cool if embedded textures would stay embedded and not litter the CAD folders.
If it is not possible to achieve this, please make Rhino remember the setting of this option.
I have two questions/comments regarding the “save textures” mechanics in Rhino 8.
We share the same frustration as Fernando, though now it’s more about server capacity rather than folders polluting the structure. Some employees produce 20+ variations daily of a 30MB file, and with Rhino now embedding 700-800MB of textures into each individual file, this puts a significant strain on our servers. Even more frustratingly, it increases save times to the point where people disable autosave to compensate.
I understand that there is now a fix to disable the “save textures” feature on a per-computer basis, but I would greatly appreciate the ability to implement this setting company-wide. Initially, I would have preferred that “save textures” was simply off by default. It was a useful option to have, but it seems unreasonable for it to be enabled by default. However, I understand that the team has gone down a path where some users now expect Rhino to compensate for bad habits and prevent accidental texture loss.
Therefore, I suggest that “save textures” should either:
- Be an option that is remembered by the file, allowing us to incorporate it into our internal template (preferred),
- Be a user preference, so I can instruct all our employees to set the default to “off.”
My second point:
Ironically, I am now trying to do the opposite—actually create a folder containing all image files, like it used to be, so I can share the textures used in a model, similar to packaging links in InDesign.
Can this be done?
Could this be part of a future “save textures” rework, where we can choose between three settings:
- Off – No textures are saved within the file.
- Embed – Textures are stored inside the Rhino file (current behavior).
- Export to folder – Textures are collected in an external folder, keeping the file size down while ensuring all links are intact.
This way, users can decide the best approach for their workflow without unintended consequences.
I’ll add my whole hearted support for this approach.