Save in Worksession - support files textures packed

I’m using Worksession in Version 6 SR30 (6.30.20239.17111, 8/26/2020) with an active file which contains points, curves and surfaces, and a reference/support file which includes large meshes with texture. When I Save the active file the support file .jpg texture files are packed, which takes longer than saving the active file. If I use Work In Progress (7.0.20245.13385, 9/1/2020) the packing does not occur. For a portion of my workflow I prefer to work in V6 rather than V7/WIP. Is there any way to prevent the packing of the support file texture files during Save of the active file in V6?

Command: _Save
Packing support file House.jpg (0%)
Packing support file House1.jpg (4%)
Packing support file HouseFore.jpg (8%)
Packing support file HouseFore1.jpg (12%)
Packing support file HullA.jpg (15%)
Packing support file HullA1.jpg (19%)
Packing support file HullA2.jpg (23%)
Packing support file HullA3.jpg (27%)
Packing support file HullF.jpg (31%)
Packing support file HullF1.jpg (35%)
Packing support file HullF2.jpg (38%)
Packing support file HullF3.jpg (42%)
Packing support file HullM.jpg (46%)
Packing support file HullM1.jpg (50%)
Packing support file HullM2.jpg (54%)
Packing support file HullM3.jpg (58%)
Packing support file HullS.jpg (62%)
Packing support file HullS1.jpg (65%)
Packing support file HullS2.jpg (69%)
Packing support file HullS3.jpg (73%)
Packing support file MarkAft.jpg (77%)
Packing support file MarkFore.jpg (81%)
Packing support file Rudder.jpg (85%)
Packing support file YS1.jpg (88%)
Packing support file YS2.jpg (92%)
Packing support file YS3.jpg (96%)
File successfully saved as C:\Current Projects\Sea Star\Rhino\SeaStar013.3dm.

In v6 you probably have at some point saved in such a way that you had Save Textures checked. To no longer save those with the file you can choose File > Save As and in the file dialog uncheck Save Textures. Continue to save with the same name.

I believe this is an application setting, so next time you save (a new file) I think this setting is no longer checked.

Thanks for the reply. Unchecking Save Textures eliminated the packing of Worksession support file textures during Save in V6.

Interesting the the packing of Worksession support file textures does not occur during Save in WIP/V7 independent of whether Save Textures is checked. That is the appropriate behavior because Save during a Worksession (not Save of the Worksession) should only save anything directly associated with the active file.

It may very well be something changed in the code regarding this.

I expect code changed. I regard the behavior of V6 as a bug, but not one that needs to be fixed. If WIP/V7 behaved the same way I would be requesting a fix. Thanks again.