could you help me fix this? 1 month ago, I was using it without problem, and now, I wanted to use SAF again a this happend???.. “1. Solution exception:Method not found: ‘OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddressBase OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet.get_Dimension()’.”
I dont know what to do and it´s very important for me, I need to include this to diploma thesis.
Thank you for your help
Hi, can you please share your definition so that we can help to troubleshoot it.
It´s your example in manual “Export Model to SAF” - 3.8.3 Export Model to SAF | Karamba3D v3
“SAF flatsurface”
Me and my friend have the same problem with it, but the other friedn not. Could it be something with, idk, computer based problem?
Karamba version - 3.1.41125.0
Rhino - version 8 SR14
As I told you, I was using SAF 2 months ago, and I have no problem with it, but now I do…
Thx for your help Matthew!
When i open the example, i do not get any error messages.
I am on RH8 SR13, but on CORE. Are you using Framework or Core?
@matttam that´s weird…
Yes, Rhino is CORE - > Rhino 8 SR14 2024-12-10 (Rhino 8, 8.14.24345.15001, Git hash:master @ cdb74b46090a23fe242c51b288886f76467a741b)
License type: Educational, build 2024-12-10
License details: Cloud Zoo
Windows 11 (10.0.26100 SR0.0) or greater (Physical RAM: 16GB)
.NET 7.0.0
and with Karamba, I wasn´t sure, but I have reintallated it and now is it 100% CORE, and I still see the error and my friend has the same problem
still see this… (1. Solution exception:Method not found: ‘OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddressBase OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet.get_Dimension()’.)
Also, do you have Microsoft Office installed? It might be there is a particular plugin missing that is needed for the SAF exporter.
Do you have the same error with this example? https://2671626451-files.gitbook.io/~/files/v0/b/gitbook-x-prod.appspot.com/o/spaces%2F6rkhS8IteqWJRfUuJlL5%2Fuploads%2F6b1PPrauUrKqPLNZOjzf%2FSimpleCanopy_SAF_Export.gh?alt=media&token=67e23282-3d6a-4c6e-9ef4-f2a5253e717c
The issue could be connected to the EPPlus library which the SAF converter uses to produce the Excel-files.
Is EPPlus.dll present in the installation folder of your Karamba3D-installation? When running under RH8 and Core7 it should have a size of 1,268KB.
Are there other instances of EPPlus.dll on your machine which might get loaded by Grasshopper?
– Clemens
Yes, I do have it in karamba file with same size.
And yes, as I see, I have more EPPlis.dll files. Do I have to delete them ? Will it be problem for other programs, which I use?
Please try this: search your computer for other instances of “EPPlus.dll”.
You write that it initially worked. What version of Rhino/Karamba3D did you use back then? Does it work when you go back to that configuration?
– Clemens
I’ve been using the same version of both software since the beginning… I have also compared versions with another friend and I have the same version of Rhino and Karamba as him, he uses SAF without problems, but unfortunately I see this bug.
You have multiple installations of Karamba3D on your computer as it seems. There is one in “…Rhino/Plug-ins” and several in the packages folder. Try to remove the installations by deleting them from your hard disk. Then resinstall Karamba3D.
In your previous reply you list the “EPPlus-dll” instances that you found on your computer. The one from Karamba3D seems to be different from the rest. You could try to copy the version from SCIA to the karamba3D folder.
– Clemens