I have a problem with selecting curves via rhinoscript and its driving me nuts. I imported a dxf and want to select the curves for trimming (not with GetObjects). After importing I select all objects, check for curves, get rid of empty lists and flatten it because its nested.
# create curves-list
kat_objs = []
kat_sublayers = rs.LayerChildren("01_Kataster")
for l in kat_sublayers:
objs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(l)
if objs:
objs = [rs.coercecurve(x) for x in objs if rs.IsCurve(x) == True]
# remove emty lists in list
kat_crvs = [x for x in kat_objs if x != []]
def flatten(list):
return [item for sublist in list for item in sublist]
crvs = flatten(kat_crvs)
# tried also with coercing items as guid, curve, object etc.
ids = [rs.coercecurve(id) for id in crvs]
crvs looks like this: [<Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve object at 0x0000000000001090 [Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve]>, <Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve object at 0x0000000000001091 [Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve]>]
When I want to select them with rs.SelectObjects(crvs) or rs.SelectObjects(ids) I get the “Parameter must be a Guid or string representing a Guid” error.
I also tried all kinds of rs.coerceXXX with the crvs-list but can’t get the “id’s”
Any help very welcome, thanks!