I have a series of closed polycurves separated by level. Each level needs to be split at a point and I need each split curve segment length rounded to 1/32" while maintain a closed polycurve when rejoined together.
In my current solution, some of the levels are not rejoining back together for a closed polycurve. The start and end points seem to be off slightly off in a couple instances. Where am i going wrong? Is there a better solution? I have found a few post with similar problems but can seem to figure out it out. Any help is appreciated
Split length at points are shown in red, I need the values to read shown in blue.
If you change the length of one curve, this changes the position of its endpoint, and the start of the next curve won’t connect with it unless it moves the same way. From what I can see in your file, you’re adjusting each curve length in-place and then moving it in a way that doesn’t consider any other curves (I don’t fully understand what the move part is trying to do, but it seems to use only the individual curve geometry).
Each curve has to consider the changes to all the previous curves, so you either need to put this in a loop so you can keep a running account of the accumulated changes, or else you need to collect the small changes and use the partial results output of the sum component to accumulate them.