Room With Hidden Graphic Easter Eggs (WIP)

I strongly agree.
The reality bar is quite high for this.

The image is currently 4k. Oddly, there is more detail than Rhino-Discouse can resolve at 1920x1080. To my eye, it looks blurry, like the woodgrain. I think that the final will be 6k, because that’s the largest I can do in my GTX 1080, which is still a bit faster than my AMD 3900x.

Oddly, it helps that the image has a few different types of a similar type paint material.

Today, I spent most of the day, working on a joint-compound bumpmap, to give the walls just a bit of unevenness. To work, has to be unnoticable, unless your eye lingers for a second or two.

On the woodwork, there are visible paint-brush marks in the original : )

I am experimenting with the tin ceiling I had planned. I drew the 3D ceiling, and then zbuffer rendered it.

I’m going to do a Depth blur in Rhino, perhaps.

I have a friend who is an advertising color correcter. You likely have seen his work. I am hoping to get him involved in the final color correction, and perhaps the 2D photoshoppping, too.

At 4K, even the empty room tests take over an hour before I can see what’s going on. Each pass takes 3-4 seconds–even at only 16 bounces. Oh, the new video cards are calling me…

I like the beams on the ceiling! Will you add a wood texturemap to them?
Looking sweet! :grinning: :+1:

In the beginning, I based this from an image I found on the net, but I changed it nearly unrecognizable. Really, the original had ceiling beams. The French door textures were made from the ones that we use to block off the arched doorway in the kitchen. I found them alongside the road.

Currently, they have brushmarks. I changed them to still be painted, but to have woodgrain showing. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thank you for the compliments, and attention, all, Ryan, you too.

So, this is supposed to be a backup background just in case I can’t find a to shoot a picture: To help encourage people to stop smoking cigarettes: show them someone with scars from pnumothorax lung surgery and 7 chest tubes…me. I just wish I had thought of this idea before I got middle-aged, but that’s how it goes. I don’t care if people ridicule me. I want them to stop smoking. It was really humbling that when I posted the idea of making the PSA, 4 women posted pictures of their scars from chest tubes and surgeries. I have to go through with this now.

One thing I often do to renderings is add a high pass filter in post, then overlay. Do you have photoshop, then I can send you this, the red is high pass for sharpening (overlay) the green is vignette(overlay). This is a nice way to work non destructive. (let me know if you want me to remove the image(s) I adjusted)


Oddly, I’ve not used the high-pass filter. Is it in PS 6?

Thank you.

I think it’s an ancient filter. PS allows you to make macros for this as well, but I’m not sure when that was added. The radius is dependent on resolution. Higher resolution images typically can use a bit larger radius for the filter, too high values and you can see what some TV manufacturers are doing to impress customers with the sharpness of their displays.

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Okay, I think I have it now. Good technique! Thank you.

Still tweaking the scene. It’s getting close. The pillow bump is too strong. It needs a lamp or something near the chair.

  • The paintings were color corrected.
  • Paintings are now tilted.
  • The table supports are smaller.
  • The lampshade has been quite the pain. The bulb and shade are emissive.
  • Book is lighter.
  • In-wall speakers were added.
  • Oriental carpet is now warped on more edges.

I did some color correction in Darktable, and added a bit of bloom. With Darktable’s localized contrast, I was able to keep the table leg from being blown out when lightening the room. Darktable needs file management, but they won’t even consider it.

When color-correcting this, it’s easy to be mislead by the green splash from the plant, and from the red splash from the couch and rug. Now, when you look at the wall near the plant, all you may see is green.

It looks a bit better in 4k.

Copyright (C) 2023 by Brenda Make


I have been working on a Tiffany-style lamp. In real life, all the glass is flat, and the caning wraps the edges. Then solder fills in the devil’s details. I hope to wrap this around a faceted target surface.

And add some lead, using pipe. SubD would also work for this.

Let’s see now…

Opps! You can see the error of my ways. I think it will be easier to modify the target surface. Good thing this is only visual, at a distance.

That should be good enough at a distance.

As you can see all my materials on the leading were corrupted. Sigh.

It doesn’t have the virtue of being perfect, but it does have the virtue of being far.

This isn’t going to render any faster than it did before : )
Yes, it’s a custom mesh, almost as coarse than my language.
I since shut the bulb off, emission-wise. It put’s a color splash on the wall : )


This is 5,000 passes, denoise, and a quick color correction. In the quest for contrast, I haphazardly crushed both highs and the lows.

I want to do a study on the lampshade textures.
Also, the table legs could look better, need to be more ornate and brass.

Edit: got the colors a bit closer.

Sorry scrapers, Image Copyright (c) 2023 by Brenda Make


Well, my friend made fun of the pillows. I guess I will rework them.
I don’t like the table legs. I want to go with a cabriolet leg for the tables.

I changed the legs to build them up from ogees.

The old round legs were on my “dream sofa” which I tried out at a consignment store. It was so deep, from front to back that the base would touch the back of your knee–before your back rested on the backrest–just the thing for lazing around on, or curling up with a good book.

I am looking at a RTX 4080 and 4090. So much money, sigh. The 4070 would give me a 9x speed boost, but I worry about the paltry 12GB of memory, for the future.

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wonderful to see the progress, thanks for letting us come on this journey with you!

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Gallery and Profile Configuration Wishes

This is how it’s looking. Notice the square format, as this will likely be used in a 4x3 vertical format.

Added mini-stereo inspired from Parts-expresses D-class amps. The LEDs were fun to make.
Fixed magazine covers, which did use a decal that went through the binding, previously.

Color is a bit off, but it’s not the final render. Still, I think that that’s about it–except for camera position and final render.

Edit: notice the schoolhouse lights have polygon issues? They were reused from another project, actually, they have been in two other projects, in which they were seen far away. I imported the block without checking the custom mesh. Fixed now.


Hi Brenda,

Great to see you heading towards a vertical format which will better frame you when composited in. I don’t know how much of the foreground will be visible but might I humbly suggest that at the moment it looks like all the furniture is pushed to the end of the room so maybe could do with another rug or something to occupy that foreground.

As always with your projects, it is a privilege to follow the evolution. Keep up the good work!


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Yes, the image is a background, with a space left in the middle. Though it doesn’t show as much with the wide-format renderings.

I applied a larger mesh to the lights, stupidly fine. I am rendering an image, now. These are early denoised ones with no color correction.

I noticed something about nVidia’s denoiser; it appears hard-coded for a particular sized noise, of one pixel. That would be why it rots for photos.

The light appears rounder.

For distortion-free reflections, I increased the mesh for everything roundish. : )

And fixed the switches:


This is a fun project to follow Brenda, amazing amount of details and nice color harmony, great texturing and nice lighting!
But it appears to me that the light in the lamps are too bright and white for a scene where the sun light comes in from the window. I tried to find an interior shot that would show lit lamps in a sunlit livingroom but that isn’t very common, but this might give an indication: (notice how overexposed the windows are in the mirror, if those were exposed correctly the lamp would look even dimmer)


Hi Holo, you are right.
It’s complicated.

The sun is supposed to be late-afternoon, setting sun, yet I want the exposure normalish, or, approximating adjusted eyes.

I rushed on the color correction, too. Notice how dim the room is, in the cropped images, well, that’s how it comes: underexposed.

The wood has to go. I have Honduras Mahagony in storage. I should get a photo of that, or visit my local used furniture store.

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Is this image created all in rhino render only?