Hi everyone,
Hope you are all enjoying your holidays and relaxing for a new year full of exciting opportunities!
With the new year close by, Human UI and RiR are now playing friendly, opening up some great opportunities for making GH definitions more user-friendly.
This is my first time using Human UI, so I’m still figuring things out… Instead of the usual posts and wire mesh for fences, I’ve decided to get into the holiday spirit by placing Christmas trees and decorations!
I hope you find some insight from the example below, which was initially used for fence placement using 2pt adaptive families. This Christmas version has some cool parametric families, so I hope you enjoy digging into them. Let me know if you have any suggestions regarding the Human UI scripting/setup.
FencesInDisguise_2PT Adaptive.gh (48.6 KB)
Fences in Disguse.rvt (13.3 MB)