Richmond Surface III


I am trying to recreate a Richmond Surface III in GH but I am having difficulty with the following:

  1. creating a single surface when using surface from points
    this is what I am getting as result

this is what it should look like

  1. I also want to keep the surface closed without gaps or overlaps when adjusting the sliders for the steps in the range component, including the v_step slider (v values) and the variable N slider.

Any help would be appreciated.

Richmond (10.7 KB)

I know nothing about a ‘Richmond Surface’ but came up with this white group that seems to work well, with no other changes:

Richmond (21.4 KB)


Graft your A (U parameter) input for the Cross Reference, then interpolate and close-loft the points at the end?
Richmond (10.7 KB)

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Thank you very much to you both!
Both options work great!