RhinoInside + Revit 22 - Crashing


Im experiencing a constant crash of Revit 22 when I open the Rhino through Rhino.Iniside. Rhino.Inside runs smoothly at the begining but when opening Rhino or grasshopper it crashes after a couple of seconds. I have added the crash journal. Hope it helps.

Any info about what it could be?

journal.0116.txt (2.0 MB)

Please open Rhino on its own and type SystemInfo in the command line and paste the results here.

Your RiR about info would be helpful as well. Thanks

Rhino system info txt file attached.

systemInfo.txt (2.4 KB)

Can you update or remove the Enscape plugin? I think they are 3.4 now.

The journal isn’t very telling. It looks like you are in a central model and it was syncing?


I was not syncing. Maybe other users were - We are working in a cloud base model.
Revit has been crashing a couple of times - so actually haven’t had any chance to sync. :slight_smile:

Enscape was updated (3.4). So I uninstall it now, to see what happens.

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Hei Japhy,

It seems removing escape can be the easy way out of this issue. Will be that fixed somehow later so we can use escape again or it is an issue to take with the Enscape guys?

Thanks for the update. Yes please submit a bug report, the Enscape crew have been responsive when conflicts occur and will issue an update.

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I’m quite unstable in Revit 22 also.
I think after updating gh plugins, Rhino, and Enscape, it’s now even worse.

Rhino: 7.28.23058.3001
Rhino.inside: 1.12.8449.6358
Enscape: 3.4.4+94564

Sounds like a conflict with the addin.

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My current analysis is that it is Enscape doing it.

For future readers, it was 100% Enscape. Haven’t crashed a single time since I disabled it.