
Hi All

The command line is only showing 1 device CPU .
How do I set to GPU . I have a Cuda GPU .


Shouldn’t this be in the Serengeti category?

Sorry . Stuck it in wrong category . Anyway got it : SetDebugOptions

This is a plugin directory issue that should be fixed in the next v6 WIP.

Brian or Andy, What are the plans for Cycles, Is there going to be a real time render like Neon?

@andy - can you chime in?

The CUDA problem will be solved in the next WIP. And yes - the intention is to make a real-time renderer like Neon. More details will be revealed when we announce the Cycles Project, probably next Wednesday. The build in the current WIP is too unstable to test.


Small sidenote, the interactive render in Blender is already named Cycles. In case you want to avoid any potential confusion.

It is the same engine as the one in Blender.

Well, this one is named RhinoCycles so that should eliminate the confusion? :wink:
It’s the same engine so I would expect it to have the same name.

Ah sweet, I didn’t realize it was the same engine. I briefly gave it a whirl a year or two ago in Blender and was quite impressed. Good stuff…