So I tried uninstalling rhino and reinstalling a few different older versions (rhino_en-us_8.5.24072.13001 and rhino_en-us_8.4.24044.15001.exe), updating my nuget packages to match those, but still getting the same issue whenever I try to import a GLB file in the context of compute.geometry. So I’m no longer sure this break was introduced in V8.6, it might be that I have not tested this code path in my application in a few months.
I created a public fork of the compute.rhino3d repo which demonstrates the issue:
To reproduce the issue:
- Clone that repo
- Open the file compute.rhino3d\src\compute.geometry\TEST\TEST.cs
- Update the path on line 11 to point at this TEST folder, (based on where you cloned the repo)
- Run the computer.geometry project, wait for it to complete its loading phases
- Open up this same TEST folder in explorer, you’ll see it has 3 testing assets, a GLB, an FBX, and a 3dm
- Open a browser and issue these 3 requests:
- As you run the requests, watch inside that TEST folder. A text file will be created after each request, with either “SUCCESS” or “FAIL” in the name
- Verify that TestCube.3dm and TestCube.fbx generate SUCCESS outputs, and Duck.glb generates a FAIL
- Open Rhino application and try importing each of the 3 TEST files and verify that the desktop application does import all of them successfully.