RhinoCommon Plugin Support always Disabled

MacBook Pro 13 M1 / Visual Studio 2022 / Rhino.VisualStudio.Mac_8.9.5.1.mpack

Please help. I can not turn on the plugin. add-ons are always Disabled.

I can’t figure out how to start working on the Mac with Rinocommon.
Where and how to download them I do not understand.
I did everything according to the instructions, but it did not help me. :sob:

Hi @taraskydon,

I believe we are only supporting VS 2019 for Mac at this time.

– Dale

Oh. I partially succeeded in getting the job started. I restarted VS *Clicked on Disabled for plugin RhinoCommon Plugin Support . and sometimes there is an opportunity to start a new project Rhino. but after closing the VS you need to repeat. :confounded:

I am trying to run my plugins but something is working with errors. how can it be fixed? what are the peculiarities of writing plugins for the mac?

On my macbook, the installer won’t start. VS 2019

We are right in the middle of testing a new version of the Visual Studio for Mac extension. Hopefully we can make sure this process is more smooth in VS 2022.


everything worked thanks.

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