RhinoCommon Custom Objects


Sorry for resurrecting an old post… but I had a question about the CustomPointObject, etc. classes in RhinoDoc.Custom.

I’ve implemented a class that inherits from CustomPointObject, complete with grips and all, and have added a command to add it to the document, but calling doc.Objects.AddRhinoObject( custom_object ) doesn’t produce anything (i.e. everything executes, but nothing gets added to the ObjectTable and nothing displays).

Is this not implemented or working yet? For context, I am simply trying to make a custom object that represents a movable / adjustable plane in Rhino.

If anybody else is looking for the sample, it’s here now: https://github.com/mcneel/rhino-developer-samples/tree/6/rhinocommon/cs/SampleCsRectangleGrips

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