RhinoCommon API documentation - wishes / critique

Another wish:

Annotations / Comments

I would love to see annotations / comments in the API

“User Contributed Notes”

sometimes there are small bits of informations missing - that would be nice to have them in the documentation, and not to search for in the forum.

One of those small examples:
The Get Result “Nothing” will online happen if AcceptNothing is enabled.
And I think it would be great if it would be enabled by default for Custom GetOption.
This few lines of Info would make more sense as a comment in the Documentation, then here in this forum.
Of course it would be super cool, to link discourse mcneel to the documentation.
There could be a tag - like Keyword (in the forum) to link to the documentation.
And the the documentation could show a corresponding “important topics on discourse” section…

I love the upward / downward rating at the php user contributed notes

There is already an older topic about this (also from me):

kind regards - tom

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