Rhino8.3 - SVG output process weirdness

Another niggly little thing here - when exporting to an SVG file from the command line, Rhino8.3 enlarges the current view to 10000x10000, presumably exports the file, and then doesn’t restore the view to whatever it was when the command was run. This is independent of objects. Fixable, but annoying.

Commands executed:

Rhino interface prior to execution:

exported SVG:

Rhino interface after execution:

@Mdmowry Thanks for reporting, I could reproduce that here.
RH-79117 Commandline Export to svg changes the view width and height. This seems to be however not a new Rhino 8 issue.

what’s weird is that the SVG sizing is so small and disproportional compared to how big the window is scaled to. 600x215? Thanks for looking into this.