Rhino6 - Rhino7 software regression

We’ve encountered what appears to be a regression in the Brep.CreateBooleanDifference function between Rhino 6 and 7. A specific test case we have successfully subtracts in 6 but not 7.

We would like to submit a bug report and supporting geometry, however through some kind of private channel due to the fact that the geometry is private IP.

Hi @gruedisueli,

You’re welcome to send me the geometry via private message or our file upload system.


Have you tested in Rhino 8?

– Dale

@dale we just sent a report to the link specified.

Regarding Rhino 8, no we have not tested this, but the software is for industrial use, so we always stick to the previous version of Rhino until the newer version has been sufficiently vetted.

Hi @gruedisueli,

I am able to repeat the regression from V6 to V7. V8 works correctly, btw.

I’ve logged the issue.



– Dale