Rhino Viewer for Mac

Hi there,

We have a crew installing an art piece right now with a bunch of Ipads. The art piece has over 6000 parts, so we broke them down into groups. For every part there is a Text Dot. Since there are so many parts, we need to turn on / off the layers with the Text Dots, in order to see the Art Piece.

But the layer with the Text Dots gets frozen after a couple of days. Did anyone have the same issue? and if so, do you know how to fix this bug?


Moved to iRhino 3D category

Hi @borja ,

I assume you’re using iRhino3D app on the iPad.
Would you be able to share the file that’s causing the issue? Without being able to reproduce the issue it’s hard for us to fix it.
You can send the file privately to me to morteza@mcneel.com if you feel comfortable.
