Rhino UI reset after crash

Hello everyone,

Do you know if there’s a command to restore UI layout after crash, when it all resets back to default? I believe OptionsImport does something different.

Thank you all


Toolbars are stored in to Rui file, if you have a backup, load it, if not, problem
search paths here:
search for RUI backup trough explorer (win7)
on keyboard WIN + R
paste this and press enter

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Thank you eddi, that’s exactly what I need!


Hi Jonas,
no problem :wink:
Path was missing a backslash, corrected

Hello again eddi,
Apparently the part of UI I’m interested in is not linked to the *.rui file. Any ideas?

Thank you.

Hi Jonish,
sorry, no idea…

Dear @pascal, sorry if it’s not a relevant question, but do you have any idea how to conserve the righthand panel to withstand common Grasshopper overload related crashes? (see the original image)

Thank you,

Rhino panel configuration information is stored in the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0x64\Scheme: Default\DockBarTabs” key located in the Windows registry for version 5.0. The key contains collections of visible panels and is written as part of the Rhino shutdown process. When Rhino starts it looks for this key, if the key is not found then the default Rhino panel configuration is displayed.

If you were to arrange the panels in the configuration you like, close Rhino then export the registry key you would have a REG file containing this configuration. You should be able to restore it by deleting the key then importing the saved key then starting Rhino.

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Thank you, JohnM, I will try it!


Dear All,

I have this problem quite often (due to crashes, and after installing new plugins) - and its happening a lot today. Could there not be an easier way to fix this than going into the registry? I’ve seen a couple of other threads, one suggested saving the .RUI (which seems to be on a toolbar-by-toolbar basis, rather than saving the screen layout, which is what would make sense to me as a user) and exporting then importing settings. That IS a workaround, but its a lot of faffing around.

PLEASE can we add this to a list of bugs to be fixed? I’m imagining it’s quite tricky, because I’ve had this problem from Rhino 4, and I cant remember back far enough to recall if I had it in Rhino 3 as well. If it’s not too tricky, any chance it could be done for the next service release of Rhino 5? Looking forward to Rhino 6 in due course, but I need to continue using Rhino 5 for production work until my plugins get updated.



Hi all

Any news on this thread. Is this the current status:

Or does anyone have a workaround?

It’s very annoying having to rearrange the panels and toolbars everytime I open Rhino.
Right now Rhino is resetting everytime I open a new file.

I’ve tried to export the registry file, but that one did not work.


Hi Thom -

Are you on Rhino 5?

Hi Wim

No I’m in R6.

Thanks, Thom.
This thread is about Rhino 5. Rhino 6 no longer stores certain things in the registry as it did in Rhino 5.
That said, there are open issues with the Rhino 6 UI remembering its state between sessions and not everything is solved.

There are a few things that you could try.
(Always make sure that you have only one instance of Rhino running and check the Windows Task Manager to make sure there are no rogue, hidden Rhino instances running in the background).

  • Do you have administrator rights on your machine?

  • Have you tried running Rhino with elevated rights by right-clicking on the icon and picking “Run as administrator”?

  • A possible work-around to make things stick:

    • Restore (‘un-maximize’) Rhino and adjust its size by hand to be as nearly maximized as possible
    • Arrange your stuff
    • Maximize Rhino
    • Close and reopen
  • Another possible work-around:

    • Close Rhino
    • Use Windows Explorer to go to %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\settings
    • Rename the settings-Scheme__Default.xml and window_positions-Scheme__Default.xml to settings-Scheme__Default.xml.backup and window_positions-Scheme__Default.xml.backup
    • Start Rhino
    • Arrange your stuff
    • Close and reopen

Hopefully, one of these will stick on your machine.

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Hi Wim,

Oh, woops… I found the thread through google, and therefore did not check the version. Sorry about this!

But thank you very much for your fast reply and for providing different solutions!

This was the solution for me (running as administrator).
Does this mean I can now copy these two files, and overwrite if Rhino rearrange my panels/toolbars?


Hi Thom -

That could probably work - but you would lose any customization that you have made to aliases, shortcuts, display modes, etc. You could probably export these options (OptionsExport) and import them selectively if / when needed. But hopefully, the UI stays in place now…

Hi Wim,

Ahh okay, that might be a bit too much work, but yeah, the ini file is already exported, so it could be an option!

But why is it that these settings will be reset when I replace the file? Does the file not contain all the data you 've just described?

Thank you once again for your fast and useful help!

Hi Thom -

I’m not 100% sure which file you are referring to now.
The xml files that were created when you renamed the old ones will contain all data for any customization that you do.

Hehe, sorrry…
But yeah I was talking about the xml file, but perhaps I got a bit confused by this:

So does this mean taht the new xml file that were created is also containing shortcuts, aliases etc. This what my question / my thought?..