Rhino polysurface and prusa slicer problem

I have generated two flat closed polysurface in Grasshopper. In Prusa Slicer one of them sliced unproperly. Why?

ketharomszog.3dm (206.2 KB)
ketharomszog.stl (1.8 MB)

The Rhino file is in meters (incorrect for 3d printing unless you are printing full scale buildings) - but in any case even if it was mm (which the .stl automatically used as units), the objects are around 100mm x 75mm, but only around 0.14mm thick. That’s maybe one slice… I don’t know how the Prusa slicer works, maybe that’s too thin. In any case the thickness (thinness) of the parts looks like a mistake to me.

I dont think the meter is incorrect. Actually I have printed hundreds of files with these settings so far, with no problem at all. The size you write it is correct. The thickness is 0.1 mm. The problem is that slicing should be good everywhere, but some parts are missing.

For 3d printing, it is… The units used are either mm (most of the world) or inches (USA). Maybe do a bit of research on the subject. In any case .stl files are unitless, so your dimensions in meters are interpreted as mm, therefore you are at 1:1000 scale automatically. The .stl you uploaded looks OK - except for the design thickness issue I mentioned, so the problem is not with Rhino… 0.1mm is maybe one single layer for most 3D printers - maybe two if you are at 0.05mm resolution with an sla-style printer.

@Balazs when I load your stl file into PrusaSlicer and slice it the result looks like what you’ve posted above.

If I use the “Place on Face tool” (shortcut = F) to align your model to the print bed and re-slice it the result looks correct.

Model has been rotated, but you could correct this if desired.
