Rhino PlugIn and CustomObject visualisation

Hi there,
I am doing some testing using CustomObject called via plug-in and I am facing two problems:

  1. If I stretch the geometry (line) using the grips after the modification is executed, it lost the selection on the grip.
  2. I am using CustomCurveObject, and the OnDraw displays an extruded beam.

    But when I select the geometry the visualization change.

What I should change to control this behavior?

Hi @bianchini,

You might consider just tagging the Rhino curve with some unique user data that identifies it as a “beam”. Then create a display conduit that looks for these objects and draws them accordingly.

– Dale

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Hi @dale
so are you suggesting instead of using the CustomCurveObject to move the actual logic and the display visualization into an UserData?

Hi @bianchini,

Custom object support in RhinoCommon is not as robust as it is in C++. In most cases, doing what I described above is a better approach.

– Dale

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