Well, to be honest, I planned to release at the current time in Q4 this year… Though unexpected things happened like COVID stuff, my country performed full lockdown once now we have a second “almost full” lockdown, and everybody needs to pay the bills so some priorities have changed along the road…
Anyway, no worries RN is constantly improved. Huge applause here to @Nikolay as we made bridge working seamlessly so VRay users will be able to utilize full RN power on day 0!
Also Octane users are able to utilize full RN power and ready to roll on day 0 - applause to @pkinnane !
Unfortunately @nathanletwory told me that Cycles support is not considered for now - this may change in Rhino 7.
If any other dev is interested to be present on the support list on day 0 please contact me I’ll provide everything you need to get up and running.