This has been reported by our client, but without supporting image.
Not the first time ArchiCad users reported this, that our bathroom models are split into levels.
I don’t even know where to start the troubleshooting from.
Maybe some ArchiCAD guru can help?
Its unclear what “split into levels” means.
I’m speculating here without further info but perhaps “Split closed surfaces is checked”
I don’t know why it would be limited to geometry in a bathroom though. It would split surfaces wherever they occur (revolved surfaces, cylinders, etc)
By split into levels means (as far as I imagine the problem):
- you get walls on the level 1
- floor on the level 0
- ceiling on the level 2
or anything like that…
This was observed both: as 3dm and IFC export.
Are these items on different layers in your Rhino file?
Is a level in ArchiCAD different than a layer?
Are these items on different layers in your Rhino file? YES
Is a level in ArchiCAD different than a layer? I DON’T KNOW
After looking at some documentation on the ArchiCAD site, it seems your client is responsible for how the layers in Rhino are interpreted. There is nothing you can do, other than what you have already done be separating the components on different layer.
Your client should have their own guru that understands how to map Rhino layers to the object type in ArchiCAD, perhaps their personnel have changed an they do not have a knowledgeable person to import your files.
Or, you could buy an ArchiCAD license and invest the time / training to understand the problem so you can give them an ArchiCAD file that would work for them. Experience says your client will not pay you for the extra service and expect you to eat the cost.
Thanks for your input.
I was hit this morning by another suspicion that may become the explanation.
We use VisualArq to generate drawings and our section plans are shown below:
If these settings are somehow transferred with the model and read by ArchiCad it could explain splitting model into 3 separate levels. AC interprets the model as a building with 3 floors.
I don’t know how to strip the IFC model from that information but I exported file with ‘Attach plugin data’ option off for testing.
Still waiting for results as I don’t own AC.