I have been using Rhino for over 20 years, mainly for creating 3D models from 3D scan Data.
Rhino is seriously underutilised for this task, most people opt for other extremely overpriced, clunky software on the market because they dont know any better. Ironically, Blender is also extremely good at this task, especially retopology of scanned Mesh etc.
As 3D scanners are getting cheaper and cheaper (now under $1000 USD) I am getting more and more work from people who have bought 3D scanners… and dont know what to do with the scan data.
Rhino is also VERY strong in the Marine / boat building / design industry. Luckily, 3D scanning is now a big part of the marine industry, so everything can be done in the same package.
I am also drifting into the film industry …here is a very recent project.