Revit is a horrible software in many respects, but it has some handy annotation functionality.
In this post I will focus on the essential annotation elements known as leaders. The combination of arrows and text we use to point to and identify things in drawings/models.
A quick recap of the elements of a leader:
One good thing about Revit leaders is that the text element of the leader can easily be moved around without moving the location of the arrow point. The curves/lines keep the text connected while the text is being moved, and - hang on I need a more specific diagram -
and Revit holds the length and angle of the upper arm whilst the text is being moved.
It is possible to manipulate Rhino leaders in this way, but this involves selecting the two control points of the ‘upper arm’ and then dragging them with the gumball:
This isn’t too much hassle when adjusting one or two annotations, but not ideal when there are a lot of annotations to finesse to avoid overlapping/enhance drawing clarity.
Is it time for Rhino leaders to have an upgrade…?
I hope the above makes sense. Perhaps I can try to make a video to show the difference more clearly.