I’m working on building some cable trays in Revit 2024 using the Rhino Inside Revit C# component. I set the tray length to 750 mm (by passing the correct start and end points to the script component and using the Revit API method to create the cable tray). The units in both Rhino and Revit are set to millimeters.
However, in Revit, the created cable tray length is approximately 228 meters, which seems to have been converted from 750 feet. I resolved this issue by multiplying my start and end points by 1/304.8 in the script to convert them to feet.
I was wondering if it’s possible for the development team to fix this in RIR, or if there’s already a solution that I may have overlooked.
For reference, I’m using RhinoInside.Revit_1.27.9121.7152.