Good Morning All,
We are looking at the technical feasibility of using Rhino.Inside as a renderer for our CNC machine control as our CAD/CAM is already a Rhino Plugin.
Encouraged by @stevebaer in this thread Rhino.Inside .NET Core 7.0 - Rhino.Inside - McNeel Forum
I had a shot at creating the missing sample for Rhino.Inside using .net 7 / WPF.
However i think that as of today (December '23) this is a litle ahead of the state of the art?
I have not been able to get this working with Rhino 8.1 - probably i am missing something simple? (full code attached) but i suspect that as there is no nuget package of Rhino.Inside for .net 7 this is too close to the bleeding edge.
Will there be a .net 7 version of Rhino.Inside? Is it years or months away? [I ask not to pressure but to encourage ] (103.3 KB)