Rhino.getobject, subobject toggle not working

i have a script here that i’m trying to get subobject select working.

per documentation:

GetObject(message=None, filter=0, preselect=False, select=False, custom_filter=None, subobjects=False)

but in autocomplete it’s not showing

Option Explicit
'Script written by Pascal
'Script version Tuesday, December 06, 2011

'Rhino.AddStartUpScript Rhino.LastLoadedScriptFile
'Rhino.AddAlias "FinAngle", "_NoEcho _-Runscript (FinAngle)"

Private oldLen, oldAng

If isEmpty(oldlen) Then
	OldLen = 1
End If

If isEmpty(oldang) Then
	OldAng = 10
End If

'Call FinAngle()

Sub FinAngle()
	' Dim sCrv: sCrv = Rhino.GetObject("Select curve", 4, True)
	Dim sCrv: sCrv = Rhino.GetObject("Select curve", 4, True, , , True)
	If isNull(sCrv) Then Exit Sub
	Dim BlnCLosed: blnClosed = False
	If Rhino.IsCurveClosed(sCrv) Then
		blnClosed = True
	End If
	'Dim sSrf : SSrf = Rhino.GetObject("Select base surface.", 8)
	Dim sSrf : SSrf = Rhino.GetObject("Select base surface.", 8, , , True)
	If isNull(sSrf) Then Exit Sub

	Dim dblAng, dblLen

	dblAng = Rhino.getreal("Fin angle.", oldAng, 0, 90)
	If isNull(dblANg) Then Exit Sub
	OldAng = dblAng

	dbllen = Rhino.getreal("Fin depth.", oldlen, 10 * Rhino.UnitAbsoluteTolerance())
	If isNull(dblLen) Then Exit Sub
	OldLen = dblLen

	Dim aEdit: aEdit = Rhino.CullDuplicatePoints(Rhino.CurveEditPoints(sCrv))
	Dim apar: apar = Rhino.CullDuplicateNumbers(Rhino.CurveEditPoints(sCrv, True))

	Dim aLines, blnFlip, aItems, aDef, n, Flipped
	aItems = array("FlipAngle", "No", "Yes", "FlipNormal", "No", "Yes")
	adef = array(False, False)
	n = 0
	Flipped = 0
	Dim tempsrf, intAng
	intAng = 1

		If n <> 0 Then Rhino.DeleteObjects tempSrf

		aLines = AddLines(sCrv, sSrf, aEdit, aPar, dblLen, dblang)
		If Rhino.IsCurveClosed(sCrv) Then
			tempSrf = makeSrf(alines, blnClosed)

			tempSrf = makeSrf(alines, blnClosed)

		End If

		blnFlip = Rhino.GetBoolean("Set options:", aItems, aDef)
		If Not isArray(blnFlip) Then Exit Sub

		If BlnFlip(0) = True Then

			dblAng = -dblAng
			intAng = 2
			intAng = 1
		End If

		If BlnFlip(1) = True Then
			If intAng = 1 Then dblAng = -dblAng
			Rhino.SelectObject sSrf
			Rhino.Command "_Dir _Flip _Enter "
			If Flipped = 0 Then
				Flipped = 1
				Flipped = 0
			End If

		End If

		n = n + 1
	Loop While blnFlip(0) + BlnFlip(1) <> 0

	If Flipped = 1 Then
		Rhino.Enableredraw  False
		Rhino.SelectObject sSrf
		Rhino.Command "_Dir _Flip _Enter "
		Rhino.Enableredraw  True
	End If

	Rhino.DeleteObjects aLines

End Sub

Function makeSrf(alines, blnClosed)

	Dim tempSrf
	If BlnClosed Then
		tempSrf = Rhino.AddLoftSrf(aLines,,,,,, True)

		tempSrf = Rhino.AddLoftSrf(aLines,,,,,, False)

	End If
	Rhino.DeleteObjects aLines
	makeSrf = tempSrf
End Function

Function AddLines(sCrv, sSrf, aPts, aPar, dbllen, dblang)
	Rhino.EnableRedraw False
	Dim aLines, edit_pt, start_par, n, vecnorm, plane
	n = 0
	ReDim alines(Ubound(aPts))

	For Each edit_pt In aPts

		start_par = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint(sSrf, edit_pt)
		Vecnorm = Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(sSrf, start_par), dblLen)

		plane = Rhino.CurveperpFrame(sCrv, apar(n))
		aLines(n) = Rhino.AddLine(edit_Pt, Rhino.PointAdd(edit_pt, vecnorm))

		Rhino.RotateObject aLines(n), plane(0), dblang, plane(3)
		n = n + 1

	AddLines = aLines
	Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End Function

@pascal sorry to tag you direct, but i can’t figure out how to make a fin at an angle like your script and i have to do it on a bunch of parts today

@kleerkoat - try this for now, and I’ll have a look at the old one -

FinTools.py (13.6 KB)

To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:

_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"

RhinoScript only lets you select top level objects - it only deals with stuff for the most part by object ID - one of the great advantages of Python/Rhinocommon is that you can get to the underlying bits like edges (I assume that is what you are after?)


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did i read the documentation wrong or is it incorrect?

you saved my a$$ thank you much!

Hello - the documentation you are referring to is, I think, for rhinoscriptsyntax as used in a python, not Rhino Script… rhinoscriptsyntax (‘rs’) was added to make it easier for Rhino Script-ers to transition to python, but in some cases it is also just very quick to use compared to say setting up an object getter in RhinoCommon, and some rs functions also add some functionality, like subobjects.


ahh! stupid me. appreciate you and your help!