It is a small but quite annoying thing that the dialog box in Rhino opens anywhere on the screen. As in the recording attached, I have 3 screen setup. And for example when I try to insert a model, there are 2 dialog box needed before I add the model. And those to opens at different random unpredictable locations. Or for example the dialog box display color opens at a random location. It is specially annoying when I have other programs setup in other screens and some dialog box overlays or camouflages in that, or go behind those. I may have to minimize other programs or windows to find where did that dialog box go.
I recognize that the dialog box remembers the location dialog box was closed previously and then opens there the next time. Which can be a useful feature for some dialog box, maybe like display colors. But many of the time, I might have multiple models open, anywhere on the screen and the dialog box kinda opens where I moved for my first model previously, which was on a different screen 2 hours back. And let’s say I move to a different screen setup with 2 screens or different resolutions, sometimes it opens at an unpredictable location.
I think most standard dialog box can be fixed to always open at the same location (preferably at the center of the Rhino window wherever it is and not at the center of main window or anywhere else). And if we need the feature of remembering the previous location, it should at least be relative the Rhino window of the model I am working on and not as per the remembered location of global screen setup.
It is certainly personal UX preference, not sure what the community prefers or how they handle this.