Rhino Construction and Viewports - ready to buy something else

Tried all of the 4view, _4_view, set viewport, autovoewport click [can’t tell if it is on or off anyway], I am over an hour in and still can;t update or draw anything as the simple command “polyline” origin: 0,0,0 end of polyline: 0,0,12 works in perspective but in the other views reverses direction, in top runs negative Y, …

IS THERE ANYWAY to reset ALL windows, gumball, Cplanes ?

This is driving me crazy and about to give in. Got stuff to do, I read about it being “auto cplabe” by default - well thanks much.

PLEASE directions on how to fix this irritating issue.

It’s impossible to tell what your issue actually is from this rant. Need an example.

Yeah, sorry, really ticked off. Been using since V6 never had any real issues.

For simplicity and not uploading full screens - sending viewport line drawn in and the associated world coordinates view in a second perspective view ALSO including the world coord display for each viewport. Checked gumball…stumped and exasperated.

Anyway, in FRONT view drew a line using coordinates: 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 got this:



in right view drew a line using coordinates: 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 got this:


in left view drew a line using coordinates: 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 got this:



in top view drew a line using coordinates: 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 got this:


line drawn in perspective 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 got this:

line drawn in bottom 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 got this:


As you can see, directions of line are not the same, world coords do not make sense.

I have been looking for solutions:

  • updated video driver
  • ran several times the undo cplane command in every and each viewport while selected
  • ran 4view many times in same windows before going to next viewport and continuing
  • did check the “sticky” cplane and it is off
  • did check the “auto cplane” and it is off
  • opened OLD drawings and get the same when creating a new line - a year old not recent
  • went into options and reset everything I could by selecting "restore defaults
  • ?
    Yes, I may be an idiot, but what am I missing? Read about the update “autoenabling” autocplane

So yes, help would be much appreciated, perhaps I don’t like working today - but I want to get these drawing completed - they are mine.


One more - I need to leave at 2pm, just got the call was an accident I need to go, will respond when I get back and try whatever anyone suggests.
Good day.

for 0,0,0 you can simply type 0
for getting 0,0,12 to go to xyz 0,0,12 in any viewport, type w0,0,12

My thanks to Jim Carruthers for kindly pointing out my rant - that’s the way I actually see it - making me realize my post was not helpful [yes, I agree with you], just frustration after a %^ week of whatever - not anyone’s problem but mine. Sorry, already stated with second post. But I find myself wanting to be clear, but I digress.

In my second post I tried a bit more of a scientific approach attempting to describe exactly what my issue is - using nomenclature I might be incorrectly using, the viewport and the construction plane such as when I type in an explicit line - using NO shortcuts of any kind - what occurs. Step by step. Hoping to provide what I should have the first time as requested.

Here I am still frustrated, now after several videos, several manual look overs and tries, about four hours in I think I now have the cPlane, construction planes [viewports?] and even the gumball messed up. Up is down, left is right, gumball is…

Before any more, would like to state when I first hit this issue - most likely my own errant keystroke but - I searched and found MANY videos, forum posts, reddit posts, youtube posts…all described part or ? my issue. Seems this may have [guessing] occurred with the last update I installed inclusive of a new “feature” autocplane…maybe not, I do not know for sure, if I can’t fix my issue I surely am not the one to tell anyone what it is, but the evidence points that way. I see many stating it should not have been enabled by default - those with a lot better use of features than myself. I was fine, using the standard viewports and never used cplanes or gumball moves. Thousands of drawings under my belt since V5, I then export stls and dxfs to my CAM [meshcam and deskproto] so I can cut on my CNC. So I do not think I am a newbie, just not that advanced when it comes to all the bells and whistles.

McNeel, it would be nice to have a “reset” for all of the views, cplanes, gumball…as they are the one interface a user must use, or post a script for it - but it really should be a one click, I think it may even be good for beginner use of cplanes and such - maybe I would have learned more if I knew how to get back to square one and did not wish to experiment and get trapped - hey, here I am…

So telling me how to draw a line - useless. That’s not a directed comment, just the truth. Why I used the exact procedure I spelled out was because I was asked - again, thank you for even keeling me Jim - and I thought I’d do MY best with my limited knowledge to explain.

It appears I may just need to reinstall and then make sure autocplane and sticky are turned off. My final comment is as a user and paying software customer, seems a long path to get to square one. I just hope when I do that later today, it actually works to correct my issue.

Hi James -

When I follow the directions (e.g., in the Front viewport make a line from 0 to 0,0,12) in any previous version of Rhino, the result is the same as what you are reporting from Rhino 8, and is the expected behavior. This means that if you go back to Rhino 7 and make a line from 0 to 0,0,12 and you are seeing something different, then a setting or plug-in is involved that I don’t know about.

In short, viewports have their own CPlanes, and typing coordinates without using the “w” override will draw geometry according to the CPlane that is active.

Thanks Wim, will try in V7 - still have it installed, did not think of that! Thing is as I have always been able to draw whatever using the three coord system without using Wx,x,x and the objects were always in front / left / right / top / bottom and of course what I take to be the universal W-coord [again, may be using incorrect nomencalture] in perspective - am confused as to why it no longer behaves the way it has until this week.

Did open V7, and now it behaves as does V8 when creating a line in front view with 0,0,0 to 0,0,12 so I guess I need to start using “W” when specifying - but never did before.

Still have the gumball and views messed up in V8, grid appears or doesn’t, grid is tilted to axes, gumball doesn’t align to axes…I know most of that is my fault trying to correct.

Will try a reinstall when I get to it later tonight if no solution appears. Would you be able to tell me that if I only reinstall V8 it would set to default or do I need to uninstall V7 AND V8 to reset what I have messed up - do they share a common component?

Thanks again, I would really like to know what I did and how to correct it for future reference.

Hi James -

A reinstall never changes anything. To just check the defaults, you could make a new “scheme”. You can do that by copying the Rhino icon on the desktop, and change the properties of that new icon on the desktop. The “Target” field for the default icon only points to the “Rhino.exe” file of the version that you are using (Rhino 7 or Rhino 8). When you place /Scheme=MyTest behind that and then use that icon, Rhino will create the necessary files to run without any customization (other than plug-ins; those are installed across all schemes).

When you then browse to %AppData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\settings, there will be a folder named “Scheme__MyTest”, and a few xml files that end in “-Scheme__MyTest”.

To reset the settings in the default scheme (i.e. without creating new schemes), you can use the Rhino Reset command. This command is new in Rhino 8.


That “reset” command fixed 90%, perhaps all, but I have not drawn any new objects as of yet. Fixed enough I can work. Appreciate the help.

Will be trying the other “scheme” you mentioned, but having a reset is a relief. I did see it somewhere, but they did not write it as you did so I was trying the options menu to find it and looking all over the place. I typed “rhino reset” “rhinoreset” “rhino_reset” and every other permutation but your typing made it clear “reset” which brought up the box of what to reset.

I thank you very much. I think I can go from here - at least I can get back to a known start point.

I appreciate you taking the time. A side note - I just turned 70 a short while ago, perhaps it is true that as one ages, they lose it :grimacing:. Never will forget my father yelling at the counter girl - give me my damn coffee - I was horrified and knowing or at least maybe hoping that would not happen to me, but, just maybe…oh, crap…



Thank you again, been drawing about three hours, everything in hand due to your help. I even spent an hour messing things up again, just to learn how to fix them and what changes occurred such as having to enable the gumball and such. Much happier.