Rhino.Compute new ScriptEditor problem

Hey together,

I’m in the process of transition to rhino.compute with rhino 8

Now I had the following case:

I added to my grasshopper script the new code editor. After this, compute didn’t return anything anymore, also when running compute in debugging mode I didn’t get any clue on why it’s not solving the solution.

When replacing the new script editor with the old one, it worked again… Is the new script editor not ready for rhino.compute jet?

I’m using:

  • Rhino 8 SR1 2023-11-21 (Rhino 8, 8.1.23325.1300)
  • Compute’s most recent commit SHA: 115db92e32ce0d357a0b512b6f666c99f02f713d

Thanks, already in advanced!
Best Felix

Thanks for reporting this! I have logged it here and will get it fixed :smiley:

COMPUTE-268 Ensure RhinoCodePlugin is loaded in Rhino 8 Compute


Perfect seams to work now!