Hi all,
I need to determine orientation of curves, i use Rhino.ClosedCurveOrientation , but if my planar curves are aligned n X or Y axis Rhino.ClosedCurveOrientation return 0 ( Unable to compute the curve’s orientation )
I think i must use the arrDirection parameters to determine the Local Z direction of each curves.
I made some try with CurvePlane , but no luck
Any help and appreciated.
Option Explicit
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim strObject, arrPlane
strObject = Rhino.GetObject("Select curve", 4)
If Rhino.IsCurveClosed(strObject) Then
arrPlane = rhino.CurvePLane(strObject)
Rhino.Print Rhino.ClosedCurveOrientation(strObject, arrPlane(3))
End If
End Sub