Rhino 8 Win & Mac Boolean Union Issue


The model attached is ready to have the handle joined to the cup with BooleanUnion.

When the handle is joined to the cup the result is not what we expected.

We get the same results on the Windows & Mac version of Rhino v8

Cup with Handle v8.3dm (280.5 KB)

you are trying to join solid and surfaces. Try making solid as surfaces (exploding & trimming) or convert surfaces into solid, then join

I understand what you are asking, but this same process has worked fine on Rhino v6 & v7.

The image shows the result of the BooleanUnion.

My apologies for not including the image in the first instance.

I don’t think this has ever worked in any version of Rhino.

This is easy to do using the Trim command.
First, extract the outer surface (use extractsrf command) of the cup and then select
the handle and the outer surface then run Trim. Click on all the parts of each surface you want trimmed away. When done trimming click on the join button. In this file I hid the inner parts of the cup after trimming and joining the outer parts unhide the rest of the cup and join into a solid
Cupx.3dm (105.0 KB)