Rhino 8 SR 8: Bug in SelName?

Tested in Rhino 8 SR 8 and Rhino 7 SR 37 for Windows.
The command “SelName” does not return the name of the objects in 3dm files that are attached to the actual scene.
It is understandable that it does not work for attached dwg och e57 files but it should work for 3dm files.

Is it a bug?

See figure below. The objects on the left belong to the open file. The objects on the right the attached file.

Test with attached files: load “File1.3dm” then attach “File2_attachment.3dm”.
File1.3dm (33.7 KB)
File2_attachment.3dm (37.2 KB)

Hej Nils -

I’ve put this on the list as RH-82886 SelName: Dialog Version Shows No Names from Attached Files

If you know the names, you can use the scripted version of the command to select objects.