Rhino 8 - Python 3 - input function

While is input() not working in Python3.x for Rino 8?
Even this basic scritp does not work

datain=input(“Insert string”)

Hi @Luciano_Battaia,

Try this:

#! python3

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

str = rs.GetString("Enter some string")
if str:

– Dale

Thank you for the quick answer. Indeed I knew this possibility, but this means that a normal Python3 file will not run in Python for Rhinoceros.

That is correct, input is not recognized in Rhino (neither in IronPython 2.7 nor in Python 3). You are in the Rhino environment, and that is how strings are input.

Ok. But using EditPythonScript the old IronPython 2.7 Compiler is used and here inpu(), or better raw_input(), works, as in normal Python Programs.
Indeed as far as I have been able to check (I have downloaded the evaluation version of Rhino8 only 5 days ago, after many years of practice with both 6 and 7) this is the only Python function that is not recognized as it is in Rhino environment.
Thank you all for the useful information. I think I’ll upgrade to Rhino 8 that seems great!