Rhino 8 - Printing Failure When Printing Many Layouts

Okay, McNeel. Just upgraded from V6 to V8 and whoops, may have to take my entire office back to V6. We utilize Rhino to print architectural sets from Rhino to PDF. They only have linework, no 3D. Significant number of layouts – 80-100 layouts. We use the RhinoPDF print driver – we have found this far outperforms the Adobe ones which have issues with fonts, etc. In Rhino 6, the same file prints in less than a minute, and interestingly, the file size is much smaller – only 18MB for the entire set. In Rhino 8, the entire file will never actually print, and if we successfully print a much smaller number of layouts, like 12, the file is huge, like 24MB just for that fraction of layouts. Help? We will have to stay with V6 in the meantime, ugh. Appreciated!

Hi Carson,
Are you using Rhino 8 for Windows or Mac?
Have you tried the a latest service release candidate for sr3

Maybe you can stay with Rhino 6 or 7 for a few more weeks.
We are anticipating some big fixes in this area for sr3 and sr4.
It would be great if you can test them as they roll out.

Mary Ann Fugier

Mary Ann, thanks for this. We are using Windows; we are using SR 8.2.23346.13001; is there a way for us to download SR3? We will stay with Rhino 6 until this issue is fixed as it basically makes it impossible for us to work (printing large sets of 50-150 layouts is a basic requirement for our work), but we are happy to test / assist as you work through SR3 and 4. Our hardware is relatively robust (i9-11950H chips) and given that Rhino 6 has performed so well in this regard, hoping Rhino 8 can catch up.

Hi Carson,
We appreciate your offer to help get the kinks worked out .

It will. There have been some fixes that broke other things.
The developers are working hard to fix all the issues that were identified after the release.

To set your Rhino for Windows to the Release candidate, go to Options → Updates and Statistic → Update Frequency and pick Release candidate.

I will send you a email so we can get model from you directly.

Thanks again,
Mary Ann Fugier

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