Rhino 8 Make2D command working Differently from Rhino 7

Hey there,

Rhino 8 Make2D command is behaving differently from Rhino 7, Rhino 7 is achieving the generated drawing that I want.

Rhino 7:

Rhino 8:

The only time I can generate something similar to Rhino 7 in Rhino 8 is if I do my selection window coming from the left side of the screen, but it doesn’t select everything that I want. And also generated some elements that were supposed to be cut out.

Hi Rafael - can you please post the geomtry in a Rhino file, or send to tech@mcneel.com, with a link back to this topic in your comments?


Interior Structure.3dm (3.9 MB)

Hi Rafael - thanks, I see this.

RH-79166 Make2D- selection and clipping planes drawn


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