Rhino 8 - Hatch Match not working, and then nothing to undo


I updated a Service Release last Thursday and since then the Hatch Match (the Match button in the Properties panel when a hatch is selected) is broken. It will not match to the next selected hatch. Also from then on I am not able to undo anything, even something small like drawing a line.

If I close and re-open the file then undo works normally again, but Hatch Match is still broken. I am creating a lot of hatches at the moment and am having to manually choose the settings for all of them… very frustrating.

Today I have updated to the latest Service Release Candidate to see if it is fixed but the Hatch Match is still broken. I have tried upping the RAM for undo to 4000MB but it makes no difference.

8 SR9 (8.9.24171.3001, 2024-06-19)

Please help

HatchMatchBroken_240623.3dm (55.5 KB)

File uploaded if that helps

I reported hatch matching being broken a couple of days ago, but didn’t check for the undo problem you are reporting. Will check that later.

Oh cool, sorry I did try to search for it first but missed your post.
Thanks for the update

I see the undo problem as well, thanks for reporting…

Hatch match bug report is here: https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-82678

Undo stack bug report is here: https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-82686/Undo-gets-cleared-after-hatch-match