Rhino 8 hardaware problems - MACOS

Hi there,

I’ve been testing Rhino8 but I’m having some problems with the Layers toolbar

  • There are some problems dragging the layers to create groups. In V7 was very easy and intuitive.
  • There is no way to organize the layers group in alphabetic order by clicking on Layer as it worked in V7.
  • Naming the layers is quite annoying. In V7 there were several ways to change it. Click twice on top of the name For me the fastest and easy and does not work in V8

The accuracy in the interface between lines and solids is quite rare. In V7 there was a lot of precision between these two. Looks like there are some interferences.

Don’t really understand how the *bringtofront/back bringbackwards/forwards commands really work. They should work understanding the different planes in the drawing and visualization according to the space model.

As you can see in the image, the white lines “bringtofront” should be in front of the top of the kitchen but shouldn’t appear in front of the wall as the wall is in front of the kitchen or in first plane.l

Hope you can fix this little things.

These are 2D commands to be able to adjust the draw order of curve, annotation and hatch objects that might be in the same plane. They do not apply to surfaces nor are they aware of them. By default in 2D if no draw order has been specified, curves/hatches etc. in the same 2D plane will display in layer order, the uppermost layer being drawn on top. If not in the same plane they will be drawn according to their location in 3D space.

BringToFront for example will display selected curves, hatches, etc. in front of everything else - including any surfaces. So no matter where you are looking from they will be fully visible, the surfaces are no longer allowed to hide them. That is what you are probably seeing in your image above.

ClearDrawOrder will remove any custom display order that has been created. Curves and surfaces will go back to displaying via their natural hierarchy in 3D - that is to say objects nearer the camera will be drawn in front of objects further away from the camera.

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Hi @fh.chica10 can you share the model or a part of it that shows the artifacts you are seeing in the images you posted?
Also pls run _Systeminfo in rhino 8 and post back the results, thanks.

Hi -

Could you describe “some problems”?

You need to enable column sorting:

That works here.

Sure Gijs, here is a bigger image and the model to understand better.

Rhino system Information.txt (5.0 KB)
Rhino .3dm (5.6 MB)

I think there was a problem with the file at the moment. Now it doesn’t present any problems to drag layers to groups or else.

@fh.chica10 there is something very odd happening in that file, but also in Rhino 7:

I noticed that if I run SelHatch and hide them, things go back to normal:

What is the source of those hatches? Were these made in Rhino?

edit: digging further as there is more than that going on

RH-78457 Model flickering

Gijs. The magenta lines that appear are not a hatch. Are just lines as a grid I created to further use in illustrator. The video I posted is the same model without any hatch and furniture. As you can see the model flickers.
I found out that sometimes this happens if the model is very far from the XYZ 0 point. But I moved it and still happens the same thing.

I’m doing a 25 story height building, but just copied 2 stories in ten floors. Is it too much information for rhino8 to handle? The red ones are the base model. The grey ones are the copy.

I know, I did not say they were. I ran _SelHatch in the model you sent, and hid them (there are 10)

no, but as I mention in the YT, this is not necessarily a Rhino 8 problem, the same shows in Rhino 7. I don’t know why this model acts like this, I couldn’t find anything extraordinary, this needs investigation by our devs.

Was everything in that file created in Rhino or are there objects in there from other sources?

I understand and would appreciate if you can find if it is a problem with the model so I can fix. The flickering is very annoying. Anyway, thanks for the help so far.

Everything is Rhino, but the contour lines that were made in Autocad by some engineers. Nevertheless, I have been using these topography/contour lines since 2018 and have made multiple models with them without any problems.

The furniture inside the building are just extrusion and simple surfaces. There are no other parties objects. I even purge the model to eliminate the hatches and other stuff that could be causing any problem.

I attached the model.

Rhino Flickering.3dm (17.1 MB)

I’m more surprized about the previous model than this one. I’m not 100% sure if this qualifies as being far from orgin, but your main building is roughly 150km away from the origin. If I bring it closer, it performs a lot better. I can’t say though if this is a viable solution for you to bring it closer to 0:

Thanks for the help Gijs, I just migrate the information to a new Rhino file and the flickering was fixed, besides moved to point 0. It works fine now.

good to hear. The first file remains a bit of a mystery to me though, moving that to 0 didn’t help here.

It’s quite strange. I will look if I can find something. Maybe migrating to a new file can fix it too.