Rhino 8 for Mac - Pan and zoom not working with 3dConnexion Space Mouse


Since upgrading to Rhino 8 I have lost the ability to Pan and Zoom with the 3dconnexion SpaceMouse Enterprise.

I am also finding that when I try to change alias so I can map them to button on the mouse the alias maintains its original command despite it showing in the list as the new command.

Has anyone else come across this issue?

If you have one command mapped to a button [in the Rhino settings]. one is enough.
this should connect rhino and 3dconn

The way I have it set up is to map all the other buttons from within the 3DConn settings in MacOS
You need to assign hot keys to the commands you want to use [not an alias]
and then in 3DConn make macros with these hotkeys and assign the macros to the buttons.
May be there’s a shorter way to do this…? but it works well this way [I also have Enterprise with some 25 rhino commands mapped ]

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This is very helpful. Thank you. I didn’t have button two mapped and using macros id 3dconn has solved the issue i was having with the view buttons.

I found it only works if the mouse is plugged in to a USB3 port on the dongle i use and not USB2, if thats helpful to anyone else.

I still can’t pan or zoom tho. It works fine in other programs which make me think it is an setting in Rhino i need to change but i can’t find anything

Hopefully someone here would know how to fix that… But in the mean time, I’d suggest to write to 3DConn support, they are not super fast replying but they could probably help you find the problem.
[we know it is not a universal issue on Mac R8, ]

Are you up to date with the driver?

This version work well here. [not sure if it is the latest…?]

Yes my driver is up to date. I will get on to 3dConn. Thanks so much for your help