Of course, here is the system info. I should have up to date version…
system info.txt (5.1 KB)
Of course, here is the system info. I should have up to date version…
system info.txt (5.1 KB)
Layer panel double click on mac is in progress. RH-79905
Material slider glitchy youtrack RH-81304
Another day, another regression… Please, can anyone tell me what happened to Gumball? It’s not centered anymore. It floats in random places for some objects! This never happend to me in V5.
Can you run SystemInfo in the Rhino command line and paste the results. A screenshot of your Gumball Settings would be helpful as well. Thanks
And maybe post a file with some sample objects that show this behavior…
Thanks, here is screen shot of the Gumball Settings and also the SystemInfo:
Here is the file. It happend multiple times with different object, that I don’t have anymore, but here is at least the last problematic object.
The bug might have something to do with the fact, that the shape is extrusion. When I run explode and join, it’s OK. When I extrude same profile in V5 it’s also OK. When I switch Gumball from “Align to Object” to “Align to World” it also fix itself.
gumball bug.3dm (44.7 KB)
Can confirm glitchy gumball. Did not extrapolate an exact reason why yet.
For me happens in the majority of cases (albeit not 100%) after an operation of trim/split/boolean etc that from one inputs produce multiple outputs: resulting geometries have gumball in apparent random position (not even related to original geometry). Reset gumball fixes it, but still very annoying extra clicks.
W Post
A post was split to a new topic: Rhino becomes gradually slower
I don’t know about Blender but Fusion’s UI isn’t incredibly ‘Mac like’ either
it’s got some wonky stuff in there… the bane of my existence with that application is these edit windows never seem to remember their location or size so I’m forever resizing them and/or scrolling when I shouldn’t be scrolling. I almost always need access to options lower down in these windows but they barely ever popup as needed:
they also insist that copy/pasting tool paths from one model to the next should include previous selections from other models whose geometry is non-existent in the new model… so I’m constantly ‘deleting’ tool path selections that aren’t even there in the first place (this is one that I’ve actually contacted Autodesk about but they say their way is the right way even though it’s only cool for a limited number of scenarios when the software can recognize the geometry or sort of predict how the cuts should be made)
that said, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever about modeling in Fusion since I use it strictly for CAM but I’m pretty sure you’re going to run into a bunch of ‘non Mac’ stuff within the first few minutes of using it.
oh, one other thing about Fusion that’s horrible compared to Rhino is Mac trackpad support… every modeling application should straight up copy Rhino in this regard but they never do… Fusion is basically mouse only unless you feel like torturing yourself …whereas I can model all day with Rhino and no mouse when need be.
as far as Rhino8 on Mac? it’s pretty sweet imo… Getting the UI figured out is weird and not entirely intuitive but once you get it set up, it’s nice
you can get it super roomy and still use screen edges for toggling the layers and property panels etc
idk, personally, I like it and I’ve been using Rhino for Mac since way back… like 2007 or so.
ymmv I guess
Another small but quite irritating bug: